
Dragoste -Interest Check-



4 Years
01-24-2016, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 06:20 AM by Ganta.)

"Make Love; Not War."

Dragoste is a true neutral pack that pulls for things neither light nor dark. They wish not just to survive, but to enjoy life! These wolves will be the festival holders, the party-goers, the do-ers! While they will not actively seek trouble it is expected all wolves train in a designated skill so that they are prepared for it. Dragoste's key ideal is unity. It is about being one, about being a pack.  Members are required to not only interact with each other but prove their activity via posting in meetings, festivals, and activity checks! Our OOC moto is activity, activity, activity!

Proposed Pack color:
Pink! -- #FCA6A6

Intended Alpha:
Ganta Hellstrom-Lore


Spring Fever Festival

Obviously this special festival takes place during the Spring! Spring is a time of training, or becoming prepared and ready for the months of work ahead. This festival will focus it's attention on sparring, herb collecting, and treating the wounds of the fighters after their spars. This is a peaceful time despite the spars so no maims, claims, or challenges will be permitted within the festival threads.

Firefly Festival

Celebrated in Summer the Firefly Festival takes place in order to recognize couples and love. There will be a poetry contest held during the day of the festival and the winners of the contest will be crowned Mr. and Mrs. Inimă {Heart}. When night falls it will be customary for couples or groups of friends to gather in Dragoste territory to watch the fireflies together. There will be a prize for whomever wins the poetry contest donated by Keno in the form of a small accessory!

Harvest Festival

Celebrated in Autumn the Harvest Festival takes place to give thanks to the natural bounties of the earth. Dragoste celebrates with a large feast of different prey and games. Before the feast Ganta says a prayer for all those who gather and give them well wishes for the following seasons. To provide for the festivities a series of groups hunts {a hunting contest} will take place.

Yuletide Festival

Celebrated in Winter is the Yuletide Festival! Wolves gather to share stories of times past, tall tales, and enjoy the company of one another. There will be a prize for the story everyone votes as their favorite provided by Keno in the form of a small accessory!

Marriage Ceremonies

Love is a very, very special thing in Dragoste and it is Ganta's belief that all unions be recognized. He will hold either a small gathering {for Dragoste} or open gathering {for friends of other packs} to attend the ceremony. He will preside over the marriage and once all is said and done you will be looked upon as true lovers. Sorry, no special item for this one guys!



Followers Gathered: 0/5 -- NOT MET
Obscoro -- Intended Rank [Thread:: --]
Name -- Intended Rank
Name -- Intended Rank
Name -- Intended Rank
Name -- Intended Rank

Gems For Creation:: -- NOT MET
/ 500

Total Posts:: -- NOT MET
9 / 200

Age:: -- NOT MET {Summer}

Activity:: -- NOT MET
Set Inactive Within Two Month Period?:: No.
Week One::
Week Two::
Week Three::
Week Four::


If potentially interested please respond to this thread! ;w; Since losing Borealis I've been in a little bit of a funk... but I decided that if I get another pack I'm not only going to work harder to keep it, but work harder to make it an enjoyable pack to be in! Anyone who wants to join is also free to suggest more ideas for festivals or activities within the pack. <3 As of yet I'm not entirely sure where I want to place the pack. Likely either the South or West.

BIG NOTE!:: Ganta's personality is not yet updated. This pack reflects the ideals he is going for / how he will be molded. Thank you!

I'm here without you...