
you just might see a ghost tonight

Absinthe 1

01-25-2016, 12:21 AM

Bacchus didn't say much in response. He assured her that he was alive, and that he'd fallen. No shit you're alive, ghosts don't make good stepping stools. The thought entered her head without intention. She knew he was leaving something out, because her Bacc wouldn't have taken so long to come after her if he'd stepped in a gopher hole. The girl frowned, quirking a brow. "Into what, a coma?" She questioned, sniffling lightly. The burn behind her eyes had died down, but she still felt like one wrong word would send her into hysterics. Dropping back down onto her feet, she beckoned him to follow her back to where she'd been laying. She watched her steps carefully, not keen on stubbing a toe right now. "Let's lay down, and you can tell me the whole story." She hummed softly, glancing over her shoulder at the behemoth she called her best friend. He looked haunted, and Absinthe wouldn't stand for that.

Settling herself on her haunches, she brushed her paw across the sandy patch beside her. It was time for a real talk, one that was long overdue apparently. She had to tell him about the things she'd seen, and maybe convince him to show her where he'd grown up, since they hadn't had the chance when they were on their trip. She was still curious, though she'd been up north already. It was only fair, after all. When he laid down, she'd worry about getting comfy. Her first concern was her friend, and his well being. They needed to catch up, and get back on the same page. Not to mention, with the storm out there, Bacc would have no choice but to spill the beans. "Alright, tell me how you went and got your pretty face all fucked up." She snorted, beaming at him.
