
carve your name [challenge]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2016, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 02:15 PM by Epiphron.)

This was the way of the world. It was, quite simply, as it always had been - power was given, was inherited, was fought for, and subsequently was won and was then lost. The cycle was something she had grown quite tired of, and while part of her had always hoped she might never find herself caught in the fray, she knew that it was destined to happen once again. She had simply hoped it wouldn't happen to Leo. The call of her grandson was demanding and she was taken aback by its forcefulness. Though she hadn't been particularly close to Bacchus, she'd never been given a chance to be - it seemed Amalia and Athena's sons were loners at heart, and she hadn't seen Bacchus in many seasons, perhaps even since she had ruled this place.

An uncomfortable sense of foreboding settled inside her as she stood, feeling a slight ache in her bones as she stretched out her stiff limbs. Something in Bacchus's voice told her this was not a friendly challenge, but something more sinister. Why was her grandson fighting for Fiori? He could very well earn himself a high rank here, high enough that he would have as much say as Leo himself, if only he had tried.

Slowly, with great effort, she made her way to the gathering. His call had seemingly ruffled more feathers than just her own, and the tension in the air was easily palpable. There was no sign of Leo, but quickly she found Amalia - who was quivering and on the verge of crying. Quickening her pace, she would seek to find Amalia's side, wondering how soon Athena might arrive. "This is not your fault," she would whisper to her fearful daughter, her voice firm. She had seen this kind of betrayal one too many times, and she knew more than most that it was not Amalia nor Athena's fault in how Bacchus had gone astray. She'd seen the same thing with Neo, and with Eos, her own blood sibling. They'd been brought up to value family above all else, and ultimately they'd gone against their own.

A heavy sigh that could not be contained fell from her lips as she leaned into Amalia. She knew Amalia would need someone to lean on, and as painful as this was for her to witness, she knew the feelings must be tenfold to her daughter. For a long moment her eyes would close, feeling confused and upset herself, though she knew by showing it she would only be making things worse. When she finally opened them again, she noted who had arrived already - Many were entirely unfamiliar, but she gave Rivaxorus a long glance, and noted that Tornach was visibly distraught himself. There was no surprise at all that Svetlana looked stunned, though she seemed to be struggling to hold on to her calm demeanor. She couldn't blame her - her own face was riddled with bewilderment and sadness and anger, all at the same time, though she had nothing at all to say to Bacchus as the others might.