
Hey You, With The Face


01-25-2016, 03:50 PM

Blood rolled down the left side of his face, deep lacerations that were likely to scar left in the wake of Mercy’s initial attack. Maybe it was crazy, bringing his face closer to her... But perhaps he had wanted to feel the pain. Whatever the reason the damage was done, and the fight would commence now that he had successfully tore his face away from her. Einarr’s own bite would miss it’s intended target as Mercy rose on her hind legs. But Einarr wouldn’t stop coming.

His ears remained pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed, and head aligned with his spin. Chin was tipped forward, shoulders rolled, and his hackles remained raised. Tail would fly out behind him in a banner, jaws parted in a snarl. Claws would dig into the earth for traction, weight evenly distributed across spread limbs. This would be a fight that they would remember for certain.

Now that Mercy had reared Einarr would attempt to continue coming in low.
As he came forward he would feel Mercy’s front legs wrap around the rear half of his body, requiring him to practically throw himself forward to keep from being forced to the ground. Her jaws would also clamp down upon his right hip, drawing blood in another severe wound.

Einarr sought to slam himself squarely into her back legs and topple her. He would tilt his head to the left attempting to simultaneously bite into her right inner thigh. His upper jaw would be aimed for the outer part of her thigh, wrapping around the back of her leg, while his bottom jaws sought to clamp down on the inner bit of soft flesh. In addition to his slam he aimed to sweep his left foreleg forward, hook it around the right rear ankle of the female, and pull her leg towards him to aid in, hopefully, toppling her.

Round TWO of TWO

Ooc:: This fight post is forced and crappy. :/ But after such a long wait I just wanted to get it done so we could get this fight behind us.

"Talk" "You" Think