
carve your name [challenge]



5 Years
01-25-2016, 04:58 PM

When the summons of a challenge rings out across the territory the vipers attention is ensnared. The voice was familiar, and despite not knowing the man personally curiosity would draw her toward the call. She greatly enjoyed witnessing challenges, especially when it drew a large crowd. She didn't get to see wolves in large quantities often so when an opportunity arose she would take it. Who knows, maybe she would find a familiar face in the mass of wolves.

Emerging from the tree line she stalks toward the group quietly. A mass of wolves stands around a large and dark man whom is perched regally on a boulder. The closer she gets the more familiar he looks. Then it clicks in her head- he's the guy she met in the woods a few weeks ago, the one who had been chasing the doe. She's just about to take a seat amongst the others when a irresistible scent grabs her attention.

Blood red eyes scan the crowd,  a wicked smile curling her lips as her gaze falls upon the purple form of her little sister. Internally she laughs, amusement spread across her face as she stalks over to the woman. She makes no attempts at hiding her arrival, instead approaching the girl head on. "Well well, fancy seeing you here, sister." Emphasis is placed upon the word sister, her brows furrowing in amusement. She takes a seat right beside the purple woman and deeply inhales her scent. Thankfully she didn't smell like their mothers anymore, which makes her wonder where the girl had been hiding all this time. "Absinthe, you remember me, don't you?" How could she not remember her?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"