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01-25-2016, 06:41 PM

Cerse followed along beside him, her easy pace matching his almost flawlessly. It was like a year hadn't passed since their last meeting, since the last time they had spoken to each other. She watched him, amazed to actually see him, to cement every fur, every expression, every change of his dual toned eyes into her memory so that she may never forget him. Perhaps if it were anyone else, or it were another time, she may have been embarrased by the way she drank it all in, but no. Not now. She finally had him back, and she knew she would feel the exact same way when she saw Caia again.

When he began to speak, citrus eyes would widen slightly at the news before a rumbling laugh bubbled from her lips. "Oh," She said between laughs, gaze crinkling as she smiled at him. "Is that all? Surely there's more." She laughed in her accent, tilting her head to him as she caught up on all the news. He seemed so nonchalant about it as well, but that seemed to be his way. "Faria followed you here?" She asked then, her tone slightly surprised as she stepped in line with him. "It seems yesterday she was just a kid... and you with any children is almost hard to believe." She said then, looking out at the land he claimed was his. Well, he had done very well for himself.. "You have been busy!" She laughed again, a happy sound as she felt so...happy, so light. She was home. "Do you honestly think that I'd leave now that I've found you again?" She asked with a slight smirk, a brow raising slowly before she shook her head and sighed. "I'd love to stay here, if you'd let me. I'm proud of you, brother. You've done well for yourself."

"Talk" | "Macedonian"