
Even stone will crumble


04-20-2013, 10:27 PM

Midnight nodded slowly as the she wolf spoke about her pack and her role within it. It was clear to midnight that aria was very ambitious. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to live in a pack and where she might fit in to a pack system, she could do everything to some degree she had to as a loner, if she could not hunt she would die if she could not fight she would die faster, her nose was good though and she could always find her meals faster then other wolves. Aria did not seem to think the position of lunav to be high enough but to midnight such a position seemed a dream come true. The mention of the sol made her shift her position uncomfortably this was why she had not joined a pack yet, she had only ever heard of the cruel and vicious alphas who had cast her teachers from their packs. Even the thought of an alpha made her skin crawl and the idea of being under one trapped and forced by loyalty to carry out their every whim made her skin crawl.

But Aria had continued the conversation and as the black dame listen she began to smile again the beach sounded amazing a pond so giant you could not even sea the other side, she wondered what sort of animals lived in this place how did the wolves of this place feed themselves, did deer come down to drink from the big water as they did in the forest she called home. She was beaming as she opened her mouth to ask. But once more Aria continued on and the sudden change of direction made midnight flinch back slightly.

A pack she could not say she had not thought of it some times it got cold and lonely and she honestly considered risking the rath of a vengeful alpha just for some companionship, but then the loneliness would pass and she would decide freedom to come and go to choice her own way was worth any amount of isolation. Still the offer tore at her even as the other dame insisted that it was only an offer, she sighed and gave a shrug, ?maybe some day,? she replied non-comitantly, ?but I will definitely have to visit this shore some time I have never heard of a pond so large in my life,? she offered a smile she liked talking with this girl and she did not want to scare her away.
