


04-20-2013, 10:30 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

She paced the perimeter of the circular opening where she had once encountered Viridiana and where Kaien had summoned her during Tortuga?s regrouping, anxiety bubbling within her as she pondered over the event that was nearing. A pack meeting ? the second since Tortuga?s reformation ? was to take place here in but a few moments and she would not only be summoning the pack, but also planned to actually chime in this time around and would not allow Kaien to do all of the talking, though she expected he would assume the more dominant role when it came to the meeting. She was perfectly fine with that as the white witch had never had the opportunity to speak in front of a large crowd and was quite apprehensive to do so, but her stoic countenance would never reflect her internal terror. She would appear before the bulk of Tortuga as a courageous and brilliant strategist and nothing less than that. After all, not every creature within the pack had had the opportunity to meet her as a Vecaan; first impressions meant the world to the judgmental queen and she would ensure within herself the capability to ace it.

Once her thoughts subsided, she sauntered to the epicenter of the clearing, her shoulder blades rolling in their sockets with a feline-esque manner that accompanied her lumbering gait. As she breached her destination, she planted her haunches to the dirt, her metallic eyes shimmering beneath the moonlight as they surveyed the area that would soon be teeming with the haughty canines that had been branded with Tortuga?s scent. Tipping back her skull, her visage morphing as her lips pursed, she beckoned the brutes with an elongated and bellowing howl. They would show, and if they didn?t, they would have places reserved for them with the prison-keeper.


lame post is lame. but this is for the pack meeting, & all tortugan wolves must respond to it or risk demotion.

You have until April 27 to respond.

Okay I lied. You have until the night of 4/28/13 to respond to this due to the site updates.