
carve your name [challenge]


01-25-2016, 09:49 PM

She shouldn't have followed her mother all the way out here, but what was she to do? She had lost sight of Jayne...again...and she didn't think she'd find herself in such a scary place like this. At first she had thought the woman was on the other side of Fiori's territory, or perhaps in the next region over...but this field was frightening! There were so many wolves - even exotically coloured ones in green, purple and red - all gathered around. What was going on? Why were they all here? The child aimlessly wandered through the crowd, keeping away from the adult's paws so she wouldn't be trampled over. Panic gripped her chest as she desperately searched the bodies for her mother, her breaths quickening. She didn't want to be here at all. What if one of these wolves ate her up?

A quiet whine slipped from her lips as she lumbered on with her search until a silvery form came into her view. Bright Moon! Though she didn't know the woman that well, it was the only familiar face she could see. After all, she felt more protected around this female than with those strangers. Slowly approaching the woman, the pup remained silent as her gaze continued to comb the crowd. By a large, slate man she found her mother in a teary state. The girl flattened her ears in confusion and fear. She had never seen her mother cry - what had happened to upset her? What was happening anyway? What if she wasn't supposed to be here?

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