
The Vastness



10 Years
Dragon Mod
01-25-2016, 11:15 PM

His life since the war had been very...different. He cared not about the maim he suffered, but his mind had remained on the one that was taken from him...Takira was enslaved, at least he was sure she still was. It had been a long time since he'd seen her, and he was starting to miss her...he had thought about going to challenge for her, but the only thing that kept him from doing so was the fact that if he lost, there was the potential he would end up in the same boat. He sighed angrily, kicking a rock or two as he moved through the foggy terrain. Life was...complicated. His time spent much on the battlefield because of several challenges on his father, but he would be there to back him up when he could. Now though, he needed a break. He wanted to lie low and be away from it all.

He would pause as the scent of fresh blood reached him, curiosity as to what it was urged him forward. He wandered for a moment longer, a very familiar scent trailed across him. Ah, interesting...he was surprised, however, that the male still carried the scent of a loner, while the plains clearly carried the scent of the boy's mom. Altering his course a bit, Enigma followed the boy's scent until eventually he found him. "This is a surprise. How are you, Tornach?" Of all the wolves he could ever be friendly to, it was this male. He had been the only one to help him and his former packmates when they needed it. And of course, Enigma respected him as well.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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