
My bloody valentine



6 Years

01-26-2016, 12:59 AM

She raised a brow when she saw the small smile spreading on Varda's face when she announced her joining with the new pack, and her ambition to become a hunter. She hadn't expected the woman to even bat an eye. Then the ivory she-wolf with two toned eyes exclaimed that she was also a hunter. So that's why she was interested. Esarosa had to stop her jaw from gaping, her right eye twitching slightly with the effort, though she just had to clack her tongue. She's a hunter too? she thought, incredulous, I have to outdo this woman in everything! I'll be a better hunter, and I'll win over Miksa! "I guess if we're both hunters, one of us is going to be better than the other," she said, voicing her rising feeling of competitiveness. And in a way her tone implied that there was rivalry between more than just their hunting interests.

The next words to leave Varda's mouth caused Esa to gasp and immediately blurt out, "No! she exclaimed, then realizing too late that she'd made a blunder, she tried to cover up her initial reaction, stumbling over her words. "N-no, I mean, uhm, just - don't worry about it - I-I can find him on my own," she said, trying to act oblivious to the fact that she knew Varda was after him, just like she was. Except the mock smile and teasing flick of the tail gave Esarosa the feeling that Varda wasn't wondering where he was. She watched the other woman, eyes narrowing once more, her tail lashing once. What did this woman know that she didn't? "You... you know where he is, don't you?" she demanded, her eyes narrow slits - her patience was growing thinner, and she didn't like the feeling she was getting from all of this, "Why don't you just tell me? I need to make sure he's okay."

She was beginning to feel more and more irritable, and a little bit frantic. If Varda truly did know where he was, then could that mean... they were in the same pack together, again? Had Miksa already settled with this other pack, when she so dearly wanted to bring him home to the pack she'd found? No, it couldn't be true. She'd given up her freedom, chained herself down. What was she going to do if they were in opposite packs? Wolves from different packs weren't allowed to mix, were they? She clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth as she waited for Varda to say something. Please say you really haven't seen him, and please let it be true, she thought desperately, her brows furrowing together anxiously.

"Speak" "Listen" Think