
times a'changin' [RECRUITMENT]



2 Years
01-26-2016, 01:10 PM
Ren would wait... and wait... and wait. He'd pray, he'd hope - and just when he was about to give up a wolf appeared, immediately babbling. The male was older - wasn't everyone? - but not much older. Perhaps a year older or so. He wasn't a yearling, that was for certain. Ren would sile at the amle's fumbling attempts to speak; it greatly amused him, and he definitely didn't hold it against possible recruit. Especially with him so tiny. It was kinda cute. He grinned openly as the male finally introduced himself - Azazel - and he would dip his head in greeting. "Ren Agatsuma. I'm going to wait a bit more to see if anyone else shows up, and then I'll begin, mmk?" His tail wagged cheerfully behind him; even if no one else showed up, he still got one! Probably. Hopefully. Maybe.

And yet... one would show up. Surprise would spark in his eyes as he recognized the wolf - the one he sparred against in the Battlefield. Zisa, if he remembered right. "Zisa," he would greet cheerfully. "Alright, just a few more minutes." He'd wait patiently... but no one else would show up. Very well. A slight disappointment; he was hoping for more, but he got two - that was a lot more than none.

"As you both now know, I'm Ren Agatsuma," he'd reintroduce himself softly. "I am the Imperator - or alpha - of Borealis, the pack lands which you stand in now. Hopefully, since you both answered my call, that means you're interested in Borealis. Take a seat; I'll explain the laws of Borealis, as well as the ranks."

He would pause for a few seconds before seating himself. "There's one important aspect about Borealis - and that's honor. Our laws revolve around honor; our core is honor. All members are expected to hold their word, as well as act mature, responsible, and intelligent.

"Our laws are [because I don't feel like typing them all up - laws - click]..."
he would explain, outlining each of the ten laws completely and entirely. He would then go to the ranks [also don't want to type up - ranks - click]. When he finished, he would sigh softly. "And there we have it." He would look over the two wolves. "Do either of you have any questions?" He would do his best to answer them
