
This is starting to suck



1 Year
01-26-2016, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2016, 02:26 PM by Illie.)

She went from confused depression to straight up annoyance to fullfledged determination in a heart beat. There wasn't much that could keep little illie down, even almost drowning despite the fact that should couldn't remember that she did. Sure, the pain had kept her bed ridden for quite sometime, and learning to live with the blank spots in her memory had kept her busy for a week or two more but she was restless. She wanted to move, wanted to run, wanted to enjoy this life that she had been given. Even if the pain still hummed in her joints and along her shoulders, even if her head did throb if she looked at the light wrong. Even if this all felt like it didn't belong to her. She was determined to chew through the pain, to make this belong to her. To use what was given and run with it.

Illie was a hard thing to knock down, even if she couldn't remember being knocked down in the first place.

So that day she had stepped out of her little makeshift den and turned a new corner, searching for something to do. Her large blue eyes were searching, her jaw set as she practically punched the ground with each step. She was anxious, she had far too much energy, she wanted to do something, but what...she couldn't be sure. What was this place, really? He had called it Imperium, but did they all sit around and hang out, oh..wait! She paused, eyes growing wide as she stared at the ground, gaze flickering as she practically tried to read the hazy memory from the blades of grass. But before she could catch it, it was gone. Whatever it wasn't this, and she couldn't help but sigh heavy. "Ugh! This sucks!" She barked rather loudly, stamping her foot against the ground before hanging her head. She glared at the earth, lips curled. It was incredibly unfair, nothing was clear! She needed...needed something and she couldn't figure it out.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.