
This is starting to suck



1 Year
01-26-2016, 05:56 PM

So lost in her thoughts that she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone's voice cut through the otherwise quiet air. Blue eyes lifted quickly, searching for who spoke before landing on a white female some distance away. Hissy fit?! She'd sneer slightly before huffing and shaking her head. "I'm not having a hissy fit" She seethed, ears pulling back slightly as she averted her gaze. She didn't want to go into it, really. Not with a stranger. She wondered what Cascade and Valentine were doing....When the female stood and stalked towards her, Illie quickly took a step back and turning her head to look up at her again. She'd watch as the woman circled her, feeling the fur along her neck rise as she kept her muzzle shut, gaze narrowing slowly as she watched the woman.

"I never said anything about fair. Just said it sucked, is all." She said slowly, deeply as she mirrored the woman's movements, licking her lips. Her muzzle would dip down slightly, subconciously as she looked up at her. She didn't like being looked at like this, but perhaps all this was as strange to this woman as it was to Illie. No one seemed to have any answers for her, it was like she was plucked from the sky at random. Though, all that pain...doesn't make sense. When she was asked who she was she carefully lifted her head, a small prideful smirk on her lips. "I'm Illie Skye. Valentine just brought me here, 's probably why you don't know me." She was rather new, and most of the time she had spent here had been in almost seclusion in her den healing. "Who're you, anyways?" She asked rather rudely, tilting her head at her expectantly.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.