
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-26-2016, 09:21 PM

So, at least some of them seemed eager. One of the youngest Valentine pups- Rhyme- spoke up, saying you needed ten defenses. That earned him a smile and a sharp nod from Esti, "Yes, ten defenses total." The boy moved to demonstrate them and the other boy- Ash's- explained some of the defenses, "Very good Mieu. That's exactly right. Distributing you weight and keeping your legs bent is important so you can be ready to move in any direction either towards or away from your opponent. It also helps you not to fall over. What happens if you fall over in battle?" She let the question hang in the air.

So far, the pups were doing a great job. It was the adults who were acting like children. Haiti snapped in, offering what Esti could have guessed was advice. She supposed he was right. Esti stifled a chuckle, "Hati is correct, you don't want to open your maw until your attack, otherwise your opponent will grab onto it. Also as Hati said, you want to protect your neck, otherwise, you could get caught in a bad situation." She looked over the crowd, there was no use in sugar coating it, "To put it bluntly, if you're in a real fight and you fall over or get caught with your neck exposed, you're as good as dead."

Nodding to Lykos, Esti pointed her attention to him, "You're almost good, but you're a little stiff. Also it might be best to keep your tail even to your spine or- for boys- curled down to protect your sensitive parts."

While the pups were eagerly trying hard, the adults- bless their hearts- were being just the worst. Mercy complained, and Cascade shot her down. Esti debated on whether or not to say anything, but decided to make it her next point, "Mercy and Cascade both have good points," she started, looking at Mercy evenly, "Fighting each other is one of the best ways to train yourself and each of you are free to call for a spar whenever not just during training. However," Esti's eyes fell on Cascade, "No one knows everything about fighting, so it's always a good idea to try to learn from others, either after you spar them, during the spar, or during a lesson. Always observe others and their moves and intents," Her eyes drifted back to Mercy for a moment, "It's one of the best ways to find their weaknesses and an opening for an attack."

Eyes looking back over the crowd, Esti took a breath, "OKAY! We understand defenses a little better now, but what about attacks? What are some ideal attacks? Is there a difference between the attacks a big wolf should use and a small wolf?" Esti let her question end her spiel for now, looking around to see who would answer first.


OOC: Four rounds to be a real training and get points and stuff so just bear with me. Also optional spars will happen at the end. Next round due WEDNESDAY the 3rd. They can be short responses, reactions, questions, whatever.