
Without You [Blu]


04-21-2013, 01:50 AM
?It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun.? ?Henry Longfellow

Laying there in the grass, with Blu sprawled across him all his thoughts of anything else slipped away. Looking up at her, and onto her beauty he could almost forget to breathe. When she spoke, the words were like heaven dripping from her tongue, like honey, like water falling onto the parched land. When she tenderly licked his face, his heart soared, and her final question make it stop in wonder.

She wanted to be his? Forever? To one day have pups with, to have a family with? She loved him? She loved him. He flashed back to the time without her and remembered how empty he felt. He still couldn?t remember what had happened and until he could it would bother him, but with Blu he could find happiness and peace. Things that only she could give him.

With Blu?s help he could come back and be the same powerful wolf that he was when he had vanished, for he knew of no better healer than Blu to help him. But his own well-being wasn?t what drove him, it was that aching pit of love in his chest. His love for the three-legged wolf now sprawled on top of him. Oh god, how he loved her.

?Blu, I don?t know what kind of life we will have.. all I know is that I want you in mine. Will you be my mate? I don?t ask anything of you except for forever.? He looked into her golden eyes, getting lost in the glimmer of them and it was almost like he could feel his own self strengthening. He waited for her answer, his heart hammering his skeletal frame.

?One is love because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.? Paulo Coelho