
Without You [Blu]


04-21-2013, 04:44 AM
?Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.? ?Erich Fromm

The rumble of a chuckle escaped his maw, as he heard the words that she spoke. Crap memory, eh? He?d remember that one. He buried his black maw into her fur, breathing in her scent again, and wrapped himself if that was even possible around her frame. He wanted to be as close to her as possible, so close that they were one. He took in deep breaths, and pulled his head back to gently lick her face, neck and everything that he could reach.

"You're never going to be alone, from this moment on, Blu. I promise you. I'll always be here, as long as you want me..." He spoke quietly, and then just stared at her. Taking pictures in his mind, of this moment, the moment when he poured his heart out to his love, and heard her admission of love for the first time.

He was content to lay there quietly for a while, just breathing in her scent and taking in the feel of her. He loved her, and right now that was enough. Moments passed, until he finally rolled the pair of them over gently, so that they could both stand without being to tangled in one another. His leg was still stretched over her form, and he stretched his head to gently nuzzle her shoulder.

?Have you spoken to Collision?? He asked quietly, finally verbalizing the words that been circling his racing mind. What if Collision didn?t accept her? He would leave with her no doubt, though he didn?t think that the king would turn her away. Either way, he didn?t want her to be in too much trouble, since she had just barely crossed the border to be near him, surely, no one could fault her that?

He hated to be the rational one who had them crashing down from the small piece of heaven that they were experiencing but he knew he had to broach the topic of her re-acceptance. He didn?t want his love attacked should she be caught trespassing by anyone. He?d have to defend her and though he would do it gladly, that would make a mess of their home.

?Love is my religion- I could die for it.? ?John Keats