
carve your name [challenge]



7 Years
Extra large
01-27-2016, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2016, 09:42 PM by Basileus.)

With hidden alarm he watched as the most unusual purple creature approached. He'd thought the tusked man was unusual, but this? Basileus was flabbergasted. He'd never seen anything so outlandish in all of his days. Granted, he didn't have all that many days under his belt, but he'd only ever heard stories of such wolves. He'd thought they were myths. Clearly he had been wrong.

His gaze would have stayed fixed on the purple creature had not yet more freaks arrived. First came a dark-colored woman whose coat shown with an unusual sheen and then, after a brute marched up to Bacchus and engaged him aggressively, an unholy green and black monstrosity arrived to spit venom at him. Had they not already been up Basil's hackles would have bristled then. The brute was aghast. Now more than ever did he wish to return home! This land, while beautiful, seemed to be filled with bizarre, horribly inbred mutants. Before he could fully process the freaks that were already there, his attention was drawn away yet again by an alarming sight. A small woman as red as a fucking berry arrived on the scene. She went and - surprise surprise - sat beside the purple beast.

Horrified by what all was gathering around him Basileus tried to fix his attention on Bacchus and the russet brute who he assumed was his opponent. Try as he might the mafioso couldn't ignore the oddities completely. Basileus watched them out of the corner of his eye. He'd bite any that got too close.