
Razor's Edge



7 Years
Extra large
01-28-2016, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2016, 07:09 PM by Basileus.)

Mist from the falls dampened his coat; the fine spray lacing the tips of his guard hairs with glittery droplets. Basileus paid the mist and the chill that accompanied it no mind. He had more important things to worry about. The lack of a trail at this point spoke volumes. From the start he'd known that Enrico wasn't to be underestimated. He was a worthy adversary. That being said Basileus had hoped to have closed in on him by now. Perhaps not caught him, but at the least scented him at some point in recent weeks. The lack of evidence was disappointing and he was beginning to doubt himself. Had Enrico even come this way? Who was to say he hadn't doubled back at some point and taken off in a completely different direction?

With brooding thoughts occupying most of his attention Basileus made his way - largely on autopilot at this point - closer to the water. He was unaware of his slip into introspective thoughts. With largely uninterrupted isolation being his only constant (well, that and his inability to close in on his opponent) the man of honor was slipping far into his thoughts more often than he realized. Somewhere along the line he'd either grown comfortable or tired, or perhaps his natural caution was simply exhausted.

At the water's edge Basileus paused to drink. He dropped his head and brought his lips close to the water before freezing. His eyes locked onto his reflection. The chance to look himself in the eye was a rare one and for reasons beyond his grasp at that moment his eyes caught his attention. For a moment he scrutinized them. Even to his own eyes he looked tired and gaunt. This realization was irksome. Was he really unraveling under pressure? Perhaps he was simply spreading himself too thin.

With an explosive snort Basileus scattered his reflection. He was wasting his thoughts on things that didn't matter. Without another thought on the matter the brute began to drink. He simply needed to keep searching. There was no way he could return home without a token of some kind and Enrico couldn't run forever. Sooner or later he would get his man.