
Clean slates


04-21-2013, 11:05 AM

Others hand entered the clearing shortly after herself. Along with Zara herself, the one who had managed to talk the dame into staying in the pack. And included a large ebony brute that she had never seen before, and smelled faintly of another black. He took his seat beside their Queen before she began her speech. So perhaps he was the new Alpha male? Lyrics of the Queen began to fill the air, telling of how Sade had forfeited her life in battle. This surprised Khaos, having never expected something like that from the former Queen. An equal pack, that didn't so bad. But her next words didn't sit well with the she-wolf. And assassins pack. Ears flipped back, but didn't yet lay flat against her skull. I can't be an assassin. Her thoughts began to race. She didn't want to be part of this pack anymore, how could she survive amongst killers? She only faintly heard the rest of what Newt had to say, to absorbed in her own thoughts. It was a struggle to sit still, and wait for the pack meeting to be over before she could flee and collect her thoughts. She would have to talk to Newt in private.

Walk "Talk" Think