
Turn the bad blood into good



4 Years
01-28-2016, 05:31 PM

Ooc:: Clarified with Riv; Riv is aiming for his left shoulder to slam between Ganta’s eyes.

Ganta would brace himself as the other young man sought to close the distance between them. His silvery-white orbs would narrow as he lowered his head to align with his spine. He’d tip his chin forward though it wasn’t likely he’d need to protect his throat from his larger opponent. His neck would get scrunched, his shoulders rolled forward as he widened his stance with all four limbs. Weight would be distributed equally, knees bending and claws digging into the soil. Hackles would raise, ears would pin back, and lips would peel back in a snarl. He was ready to give this his best shot.

Not yet being at his full height Ganta reached only about thirty inches or so. He was shorter than the other man and lighter, but that perhaps could make him more agile. As Rivxorus came in, adjusting himself a step to Ganta’s left, the younger brute would prepare to make a counter attempt. He would attempt to move his head to his right {Rivaxorus’ left} and in between his opponent’s front legs. This allowed for displacement of the shoulder slam, instead having the front part of Riv’s shoulder land against the left side of his neck above his {Ganta’s} own by three inches. The result of the impact? Moderate bruising thanks to the speed the other was going when he charged him.

Ganta would stumble, feeling Riv’s left leg hook his front right ankle a moment before it was pulled out under him. He would quickly try to redistribute his weight over his remaining three limbs while Rivaxorus made his last attack. He would feel fangs pierce across his spine and reach down towards his left shoulder. They would slice the skin of the youth as he tried to pull forward away from the fangs of his opponent and under the taller male.

In retaliation, as he settled his fourth paw back on the earth, Ganta would redistribute his weight evenly across his legs once again. He would attempt to powerhouse his way through the gap in Riv’s front legs, possibly causing some strain on the muscles as he tried to fit his body through. He would attempt to lift his left foreleg, shifting his weight into the limb now, and then attempt again to strike it down as forcefully as he could upon Rivaxorus’ back right toes. He would also attempt to push against the ground up into the stomach of the other wolf to cause bruising and discomfort. Finally Ganta would adjust his head to his own left, attempting to place a holding bite upon the fleshy flap of skin that connected Rivaxorus’ leg to his body. Top jaw would aim to come up on the outside of the skin flap while bottom jaw sought to hook it from the inside in a snaring grip. Like his opponent Ganta was trying to make this a fight to learn from, rather than one where the victor was clearly defined from the start.

Round ONE of TWO

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