
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]


01-28-2016, 07:17 PM
Simmy would let her attention rove over each wolf. Whether they were a pup or an adult, she was merely watching. Yet, when the big man with the skull on his head started shouting the young girl would jump. He was loud! Not only that but he sounded like a jerk. She would flick her ears back, keeping her comments to herself as she tried to mimic her brother Lykos and the other boy who were practicing their defenses. As the leader of the gathering spoke up again, letting another question hang in the air, Simurgh would eye her. “You can lose. Or die.” Her words were short and to the point. Falling over in battle would not have a happy ending.

Simurgh would allow her body to become less tense, though she took a moment to adjust herself to get the defenses to fall in place naturally across her body. Her shoulders being rolled forward felt weird, and her stance might have been too wide, but she was still in the learning process at least. The lesson would move on while she practiced and she would allow her amber orbs to stay focused on the white and black woman.

“Low for small, high for big. Big ones could try slams, while smaller ones should work on tiring out the big ones and avoiding powerful attacks.” The child would fall silent after that. That was just how things worked when she played with her siblings. Would that be true in real fights as well?