
I dreamt of Paradise


04-21-2013, 02:50 PM
A small whimper was let out as Keki had awoken with pains or contractions. It had been horrible waiting for her time to come; throughout these weeks the dame hadn't been social at all. She had gone in hiding during the day and only came out to catch herself something small to eat during the night. Keki wondered if her sister Maka had been wondering where she was or Uncle Gargie; most of all she wondered of her mother Crusade. Did she miss one of her little darlings? did she miss her teddy bear at night? Well Crusade still had Maka to snuggle with but Keki had hated not being able to join them.

Some nights she would walk by and look in and see the two snuggled up together while there was still a spot for Keki to fit in. Other nights she would sit and cry silently at the entrance because it was so tempting to rejoin them. The femme had been so ashamed of her pregnancy that she had avoided everyone. Her soul was ever so lonely as she became a lonely thing.

Bi-colored eyes focused on the wall of the small den she had found which was covered in scratches. In the female's anger at times she had scratched these walls. Why did she subject herself to solitary confinement and such pain? Keki could have told Crusade but what would she have said....would she be seen as a slut?

But no, the wolf was no slut; it would make her a slut if she chose to have this happen to her. But the brute had forced himself upon her and this was the result. In her head all she could hear were the same words, slut...whore...over and over again!

A tear fell from her bi-colored eyes as she let out another whimper, as another wave of pains overcame her.

Would she be seen as a disgrace to her Uncle Gargoyle? or even her mother and sister? The dame was sure her parents were rolling over in their graves now. A growl emitted from her lips as the pain became ever so fierce.

Keki knew she had to get these pups out before she couldn't take it any longer.

It had only taken a short while of pushing and pain until the result were three pups.

The femme focused her bi-colored gaze on the three and saw that they were all male. A small smile appeared on her face as she heard one of them cry out in a small squeak.

Instinctively the dame curled her body around the three and pulled them closer so that they could feed. Her eyes softened as she licked them as clean as she could.Now she could see their beautiful coats but...they all looked alike in an odd way. All three had the same pattern but in different colors. Black, white, and gray pups. All males had a stripe from their nose to tip of their tail, which was dark gray with triangles such as her own but connected. Keki yearned to see what brilliant colors their eyes were but of course they were not opened yet.

The black and white were quite big while the gray one was a bit smaller than them. The small light gray one reminded her of her sister Maka so it had brought a smile to her face. Maka had been the runt of the two of them, this little one seemed to take after his aunt. IT was no matter, she loved them all the same with all her heart.

What names should be bestowed on such beautiful pups?

The black one was black like his father Kaios so he deserved a name close to that. Keki decided on Kairos, it was a strong name. The femme's gaze then settled on the white pup,she decided on Tiberious, in the hopes he would grow to be wise. Next the light gray one, her choice was Pericles, a noble name.

"Kairos, Tiberious, and Pericles." she said aloud to herself softly as it rang throughout the small den.

"That is what your names shall be, and I will love you all the same" she added in as the dame could not take her eyes off the three. They were special in her eyes, every one of them. The past few weeks had been a hastle but now as she looked at her children it was all well worth it.

The pang of hunger every night, her growing frame, her tired soul, it had all been worth it.

She wondered where Maka was and couldn't wait to see her sister's reaction. Then again, what would her reaction be? would it be good or bad, and what about her uncle Gargoyle or her mother Crusade? Would there be disappointment in their eyes despite the three new additions to the family?

What would her fellow inhabitants of Glaciem think? She was rarely seen anymore without being beside her mother, uncle, or sister.

Maybe in the long run they would eventually understand. Perhaps at first there would be frowns, or smiles, or maybe even a few confused or shocked faces. Keki did not care what they would think, these were her children they would be judging. And why should she care if others judged her, this was her life and her decisions from here on! If they frowned at her so what, she was still not a slut or a whore. Yes she had made a stupid decision by venturing out diuring her heat; but it had been the brute decision to force himself upon her and use her!

Should there be smiles would she welcome them and let them get a good look at her three small children. Her heart would soar with pride as he eyes would jump from one pup to another. Why in this world should she or her pups be judged at all? This was a free world and they all deserved whatever everyone else did, respect!

As the Sun shone brightly outside the dame yearned to go out and soak up the sun again. But the wolf would have to wait; there was no way she would leave her pups for now. Turquoise and dark blue eyes settled on the Sun-lit land outside the small den; this was her home.

In the dame's mind she had regretted this all, her life in general. Shouuld she have never left her parents and Maka to look for a pack would hey still be alive? Keki would have been there to save both her sister and mother as they crossed the abyss. She would have been there to care for her father as he lay on his death bead of sickness.And most of all she would have been there to care for her sister Maka when there was no one else to care for her. What would have happened here then? Crusade would not have two adopted daughters and her Uncle Gargoyle would not have two adopted nieces either.

Perhaps in the long run she had done something good...brought life into the land...provided her new mother and uncle with happiness.....gave Maka a chance to be herself for once.

How did this all happen anyway? lives were changed by the birth of just two pups, her and her sister Maka. Yet without Keki her parents wouldn't have favored her and had showed her sister more affection. Was life a long road until death? or was it something more? The wolf would not really know because she was only a piece of the game. Or was life something she really did have a choice in...or was it all planned out for her already?

The female's thoughts ceased as she heard another squeak from her pups. With a soft touch she gently nuzzled each one and licked each of their tiny heads. A smile was portrayed on her face a small chuckle escaped her lips.

"Such precious little darlings you three are." she said with her smile never ceasing as if it were permanently on her muzzle.

Eventually the three small pups surrendered to sleep and Keki looked once more to the entrance of the den. What lay outside now; the world was outside. She couldn't shelter her pups forever and she knew that. One day they would have to face the world head on but that was a long time from now.

The female curled her body around the three sleeping pups as she focused her gaze back on them. What lives lay ahead of them, what future would they have? Hopefully they would all have a great future. Were her children just new pieces to the game? new souls to play with as life dragged them along? Keki hoped not, she would try her best to shelter them for now....but then she won't always be there to do so.

A sigh escaped her lips as she then set her head down on her two front paws. Perhaps one day....but why worry now, she thought as she closed her eyes.

word count:1,510