
Never Far Away



7 Years
01-29-2016, 01:17 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia lifted a foreleg and wrapped it securely around her little girl as Anais leaned in and cried against her, tears still spilling forth from her eyes. Oh, she had longed for this moment for far too long, had held on to so much guilt over the way she had departed from the natural world. She could not count the number of times she had wished to be able to hold her daughter as she was, to express her love for her and how much she cared. The russet brown hunter understood that what was taking place was special, that this meeting was no small thing to take place. However long it lasted, she planned fully to enjoy every moment, to say as many of the things that she had not gotten to say before.

She felt Bane swoop in and wrap them both up in a tight embrace, laughing through her tears as she finally pulled back enough to look between her mate and daughter. It was such a happy, joyous moment, her heart aching with the emotion that pumped through it. "My beautiful child, no words can convey how happy I - we - are to see you," she said as her daughter turned to nuzzle Bane more directly, taking that moment to step back and attempt to compose herself. Her dark golden eyes blinked and quietly she sniffed, but she felt too frazzled to fully pull herself together. It was a small price to pay, however, for having a piece of her family returned to her.

With a little effort, Tahlia was able to stop the tears if not completely dry her eyes, and with an impatient exhale she decided to ignore them altogether. "There now," she spoke, more to herself than either wolf present, and drew her still watery expression into a smile more befitting of all the poise and dignity that she attributed to herself. "Please, we have missed so much. Tell us everything, anything you can. Is everyone alright where you are?" Even as she said the phrase, she recalled her own confusing arrival, and how what she had only presumed to be a visit had turned out to be a more permanent arrangement. Feeling her chest grow cold with worry, she hastily added with greatly nervous undertones, "Are you alright?"