
Put 'em Up


01-29-2016, 12:43 PM

It would be time for Arkay to put what little fight training he’d received to the test. Félicien knew better than to get cocky; Arkay was a capable young wolf. He had good blood running through his veins. Féli knew, if he lost, there would be no hard feelings. Only a sense of pride in the fact the young one had done so well. With that in mind Félicien would quickly do a double check on his defenses while Arkay prepared himself for the first attack.

First and foremost his legs were spread in a widened stance, weight evenly distributed across the limbs. His head had lowered to align with his spine, chin tipped forward to protect his throat, and his shoulders were rolled forward. Ears were pinned, eyes were narrowed his lips snarling. Tail remained tucked beneath his body and hackles were raised, claws biting into the soil in readiness. He was hoping for a good fight and was sure that Arkay would not disappoint him.

With five feet of distance between them Arkay didn’t have a lot to close before he’d be close. The handsome child {Arkay} would spring forth, veering slightly towards Félicien’s left and, picking up on this slight veer, Féli would attempt to displace the attacks Arkay had planned by side stepping to his own {Félicien’s} right. In doing so he hoped that any attempted attacks would be displaced enough to lessen the potential damage from them.

That was not to say that Félicien was merely going to stand there while Arkay attacked. When Arkay attempted his bite Félicien would make an attempt to counter that attack. His own head would tilt to the right, angling his own jaws upward on the left side as he attempted to catch Arkay’s bottom jaw within his own. Félicien’s top jaw would aim to hook around the bottom of Arkay’s bottom jaw whereas his {Féli} bottom jaw would aim to land across the open bottom jaw of his opponent. {Pending counter damage if successful from Arkay’s attempted bite.}

This was not to say Félicien could avoid or counter every attempt his cousin made. As he attempted his counter bite his cousin’s other attacks would land in succession. Arkay’s slam into his upper left shoulder would cause that front limb to take a step back in order to give into the impact. The force behind the blow was enough to cause some serious bruising to his shoulder. He was going to be sore after this fight for certain.

In addition to the slam Félicien would find himself being forced into keeping close quarters with his cousin in the fight. Arkay’s front legs would wrap around his neck in a sort of bear-hug and, seeing only one potential way out, Félicien would attempt his own move. Throwing about eighty percent of his weight into his rear legs he would dig his claws into the soil and attempt to slam into his cousin with all his might. Simultaneously he would move his right shoulder forward, hoping to dig the point of it painfully into the left armpit of his cousin. His main goal in pushing against the slightly taller male was to overpower Arkay and push him over. Whether his cousin fell backwards or to either side did not matter to Félicien so long as he managed to dislodge him.

Félicien versus Arkay for Dominance / Abaven Practice War
Round One of Two
Default Time:: Normal

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen