
Little Talks [M]

Mercy I


5 Years

01-29-2016, 06:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2016, 02:03 AM by Mercy I.)

She had no idea why she felt the need to come to this place. It was dark, foggy, and stupidly hard to navigate through. Mercy had just wandered away from Imperium territory, feeling rather... bored. It wasn't like she didn't have anything to do though, she had been constantly patrolling the borders and hunting while she could. But she wanted to fight, to bite and rip and tear. It made her anxious and more irritable, she had been picking more and more on the members of her pack. It would only be a matter of time before Valentine pulled her aside for a talk. That is not what she wanted, after all she wanted to rise in the ranks, not fall down them. So she just... walked. She would have been stomping around, but the tangle of undergrowth clung to her pale legs. Her purple eyes were squinted against the thickness of the fog to try and see where she was going, but it was nearly impossible. The pale woman let out a huff, coming to a standstill while she inspected the area around her. Well, what little she could see. She felt like turning back and heading home -- she wasn't too far from Imperium's borders, but she had already come this far. Plus, it was quite a work out trying to pull herself from the plants that clung to her limbs.

Mercy raised her elongated tail, trying to keep it out of the way of the tall grass. She could feel a few branches and such break off and stick in her fur, the damp ground squishing between her paws. Her nose wrinkled upwards, she really did pick a wrong place to go for a walk. Squinting down at her legs, she growled when she saw how dirty she was getting. Ugh, she was going to have to go for a cold dip to wash off. Picking up her pace once more, she finally made it to a small clearing. The undergrowth was shorter here, and the dame let out a big sigh. Finally! She could move a lot easier here, and she quickly jumped out of her tangles. At last she was able to bend down and yank the vegetation from her body. When she had pulled out all she could reach, she glanced around her. It was a strange little clearing, it looked like a giant wolf had laid down here and flattened everything around her. Interesting... Sniffing at the ground, she walked around in a wide circle, but there wasn't much here at all. It just smelled... damp and marshy. Pulling her head back she scowled, flopping down to her rump in the very center of the mini clearing. Hopefully something would come by and entertain her, otherwise she was going to have to move on and find something else. Or someone to bite into. Mercy smirked at that thought, slowly shaking her head back and forth. She needed to find a chew toy or something, soon Valentine was going to smack her snout and stick her in a corner.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.