
Who's Your Favorite?


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
01-29-2016, 09:08 PM
If you're not listed below, don't be offended! I just haven't threaded with you, or read many of your threads. ;)

Player Name:: Acrylic
Favorite Character:: Cesar
Why?:: He is unpredictable and so much fun to read, his inner thoughts are so interesting as well. Every single thread of his makes me laugh, all the time. Its a great pick me up to just read his threads.

Player Name:: Arin
Favorite Character:: Voltage
Why?:: He is such a well rounded character who has been through so much, changing with the flow of things. He is very emotional, and its easy to feel his raw emotions yourself.

Player Name:: Dragon
Favorite Character:: Dart
Why?:: Cause he's Bass' fluff butt! He even got Finch to like him.

Player Name:: Fox
Favorite Character:: Mithras
Why?:: Cause he knocked up a friend while on berries and had adorable puppies, who he is far too cute with. And then he goes and makes a pack, good boy. -pets face-

Player Name:: Iko
Favorite Character:: Stóri
Why?:: Cause he reminds me of me as a child. I was so jealous of my younger siblings and I always fought for my parents attention, just like Stóri does.

Player Name:: KatG6
Favorite Character:: Rhythm
Why?:: Cause I was so mean to her. I mean, Bass was. But even through that she stayed in Imperium, and then was there for Motif when she needed her the most. And her children are adorable.

Player Name:: Keanai
Favorite Character:: Lykos
Why?:: He's like a mini man, and he was able to actually befriend Mercy without her biting her head off. He's so eager to learn and just adorable.

Player Name:: Keno
Favorite Character:: Allen
Why?:: He's Bass' bff for life. And all the feels, so many feels. ;~;

Player Name:: Lazuli
Favorite Character:: Rhys
Why?:: She is the most adorable puppy ever, and so wants to be a good fighter. Plus her and Rhyme are just fantastic, fighting over a fart. xD

Player Name:: Lunarcat7
Favorite Character:: Rœkia
Why?:: Cause she is a freaking crazy poison master. xD

Player Name:: Millie
Favorite Character:: Diana
Why?:: Ama loves her little mini-me! She is so cute and her inner thoughts make me swoon, I didn't think that anyone could beat Ama's adorableness.

Player Name:: Mouser
Favorite Character:: Anais
Why?:: Its been amazing to watch her grow up and get over her fears with Glacier, and now she's a momma!

Player Name:: Nyx
Favorite Character:: Lark
Why?:: He's so unlike the rest of his siblings, its almost... refreshing? He's stubborn and angry, and wants to protect his whole family.

Player Name:: Rivaxorus
Favorite Character:: Rivaxorus II
Why?:: Even though he's awkward and doesn't like to talk much, he still tries for his family.

Player Name:: Sea
Favorite Character:: Motif
Why?:: I've watched her grow up too, find love, become a mother twice over and go through everything with Bass and his family.

Player Name:: Shadowed
Favorite Character:: Ehrgeiz
Why?:: I have a weak spot for grumpy characters. xD

Player Name:: Shelby
Favorite Character:: Athena
Why?:: Cause the way she is with Ama and her kids is just... so epic. I adore her.

Player Name:: Tealah
Favorite Character:: Tórnach
Why?:: Its been really interesting to see him grow up and become his own young man, even going so far as to refuse to join his mothers pack. His character development has been a treat to read.

My focus needs more focus.