
Razor's Edge



7 Years

01-29-2016, 09:49 PM

It was obvious that the other man was shocked by the Italian as he was, although not quite to the degree as he was. Bass was an emotional brute in the sense that it was hard to hide a feeling from his face. His eyes had always been somewhat of an open novel. The stranger said that he was pleased to hear it again, and Bass smiled as he nodded his head slightly. With the russet male, it was easy to tell that he had spoken this since birth, while with him there was an obvious taint of his English tongue. The alpha had learned Italian from a kind stranger with his now mate, that much could be heard. "Lei viene da una terra che parla prevalentemente italiano?" the pale man asked, head tilting to the side slightly. "Il bruto che mi ha insegnato aveva parlato di un posto del genere, ma io non ci sono stato me stesso." Bass said with a shrug. While he had not been in Alacritia since conception, it was where he had lived since he was a year old. And in all that time, this man was one of the only ones that had spoken Italian. It was nice to have someone to speak to in this tongue, it was generally only his family that he could share this spoken language with. It was like their own secret language.

He felt the other studying him, and Bass simply rose a single brow at the man. He introduced himself, and the man dipped his in greeting. "Il mio nome è Basso, e il piacere è tutto mio. Non capita spesso che mi capita di incontrare qualcuno che è nato parlando questa lingua, il suo bello avere un po 'di pratica." He said with a soft chuckle, folding himself onto his rump as his tail curled around his side. He was interested to ask why he had been studying him so intently, but the brute bit his tongue. It was rather rude to just straight up ask something like that. He could hardly help it though, there were many questions swimming around in his mind. Namely about where he had come from and if his own Italian was ever good.

"Talk" "Italian" Think