
Drawn by Fate



6 Years

01-29-2016, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2016, 10:00 PM by Esarosa.)

No shady individuals lurking here. Just Esarosa. She should have been at home, making use of herself to her new pack, but after meeting Varda, she wasn't quite ready to go back yet. Besides, she'd already caught the man's scent after leaving the oasis and couldn't resist following the trail; a few more hours away from her pack wouldn't make a difference, right? She found herself in a very dry place, though being in the west, it wasn't so uncommon to find these dry and arid places. Her nose stung from the dry heat, and it was getting more difficult to follow the trail she'd been on - it was like the scent itself was evaporating. Panting, her pace had slowed as the sun beat down on her jet black coat. She was surprised by the scalding heat considering it was only spring, but this was the west. It was possible too, that she was afflicted by her own internal heat, and maybe that was why she went to such great lengths to find her friend, just to see that he was well. She could think of little else for the time being. After all, the last time she'd seen him, he had been displaced by the disbandment of his former home - she couldn't bare to go home until she was sure he was okay.

She found herself closely passing marked territory as she traversed the dry, oddly colored rocky landscape. The borders carried the same scent that Varda had been swathed in. So, he was around here after all, the place that Varda called Celestial. He wasn't alone nor homeless anymore. The realization was bittersweet for her. Sighing, she wondered if she ought to just turn around and go home. But giving up was not her thing. She pressed onward, hoping to catch sight of her friend before he returned beyond borders that she could not enter.

At last she saw him. She was sure this time, not like when she'd found the ivory woman. She was not mistaken. He was making his way along the edge of the territory, and the very way he walked was recognizable. She put on a burst of speed, feeling the searing heat nearly overwhelm her. By the time she approached from behind, she had to slow herself. "Hey!" she called out, trotting to come up beside him and offering a friendly grin, "Miksa, I've been looking for you everywhere since the last time we met. Finally caught up with you!" She paused, wanting to say more, of course, but she had to give herself a moment to catch her breath, and she should probably give him the chance to get a word in, too. She'd hoped to tell him there was a place waiting for him if he was still wandering alone, but that would not be a possibility now. Still, she was glad to have found him. They could still catch up, since they'd each joined new packs, though she hadn't got the chance to tell him yet that she had joined Argead. She'd be able to go home after, satisfied with her findings, instead of wondering.

"Speak" "Listen" Think