
This is starting to suck

Mercy I


5 Years

01-29-2016, 10:27 PM

The younger girl glared at her and moved away from her tail swat, and Mercy's brow rose as her lips curled back. Bite her? The pale woman's head tossed back and she let out a loud laugh, her tail wagging behind her in excitement. "Don't tempt me, little one," she laughed, her own lips peeling back in a wicked grin. The taller woman attempted to come alongside Illie, reaching her head over to attempt to drag her teeth across the others shoulder in a teasing manner. She wasn't aiming for any damage at all, but she snapped her jaws shut loudly after the attempted drag. Letting out another booming laugh she pulled away, letting out a snort as she tried to meet her gaze. "We have a little fireball, huh? Good, good, you'll get along well here."

When speak of being a warrior came up, the girl just muttered something about it being interesting. Mercy nodded her head eagerly, another wicked smile coating her mouth. "If you want, I could show you just how interesting it can be, little tiger," Mercy said in a singsong voice, her body lowering into a fighting stance with ease. "Since you're so eager to get bit, I can show you just how sharp my bite really is." Her black marked face twisted into a snarl, her legs set an equal distance apart as she squared off with the younger girl. "Plus, what better way to get to know your own pack mates by the taste of their blood?"


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.