
Ooie Gooie Sticky Stuff [AW]



3 Years
01-30-2016, 03:25 PM

In a rare moment spent away from her shining knight's side Luck found her paws set to wander. And why not? Bacc was always off somewhere meeting new wolves why not her? Well the simple answer was that Luck didn't like meeting new wolves. The tiny girl admitted that to herself with a sigh but allowed her steps away from the temporary den to continue.

The quick melt off of the spring had flooded most banks and the ground everywhere she went seemed to have taken on a soggy muddy quality and she found herself sometimes chest deep in its muck. So when a field of rocks broke up the sticky soggy ground she took it as an opportunity to try and dry herself off... well as much as possible.

So the small Destruction had spent some time trying to warm herself on the stone's cool surface. Then when she had grown bored of that she began hoping from stone. That was until something else caught her attention.

A small figure was perched atop a rock further away from her, she could just make out a silhouette from this distance.

She slipped from her stone perch and lowering herself into a stalking position  allowed herself to become wet and gross again. The mud blended well with much of her fur and as she drew closer she felt her stomach rumble. Briefly she thought of her knight and how he'd likely be returning with a snack or two for her but it wouldn't be so bad to cheat a bit now right? 

So Luck would do her best to sneak up on her prey, and then when she was close enough she would pounce! Or at least that was the plan... in truth she ended up a few feet away from the bird gawking up at him.

She had never seen such strange plumage!


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]