



9 Years
04-21-2013, 08:23 PM
OOC Name: Shrapnel
How did you get here?: Ummmmm. Magic?
Age: 17
PvP: Sem-realistic

Character's Name: Creed
Age: Pup
Season of birth: Summer
Size: Large
Appearance description: Creed is a representation of all his family combined. He takes after the mottled markings of Crusade's side of the family and has a few markings of his father's side. The coloring comes from both sides of the family, but his base color is white much like both parents.
The boy will me pudgy much like any of his species when he is born. He has his mother's fluffy fur and resembles a little gray and white fluff ball the majority of his childhood. Once he grows into himself he will keep the thick stature like both his parents and will only grow to be roughly 36 inches like his father. He won't begin to fill out into all the muscle until roughly two years of age, much like Cifer.

Creed looks like he's been through a gray scale editing program and then spit back out. His main color is white and the only splash of color he has is his eyes, which are a blue green with yellow ringing his pupil in flecks. Light gray overlays the white and covers most of his body. Starting at his muzzle it travels down his coat, yet it avoids his lower jaw, neck, chest, front legs, lower half of his back legs, his stomach, and underneath his tail. White spots are above his eyes much like a husky's. There is also a spot on the boy's back that is completely white. It is hidden behind the high shoulders that he inherited from his mother's side.

The last color on the boy is black which comes from both sides. On his face the black creeps up from a gray nose and travels up to his forehead and spreads out before stopping. He carries the same tear marks that is common on Cifer's side. He resembled his aunt because the colors of the tears are black, unlike Cifer's vibrant blue-green. Both ears are tipped with green and the right ear has an extra stripe underneath the tipped ear. One last marking shows that he resembled Cifer. He carries the same black spot on his chest that resembled a hole where his heart resides. The other markings come from Crusade's side. Black travels up his shoulders and form around the white marking lying behind shoulder blades. It also travels down the front of his front legs and line both haunches down to the knees.

He has thick fur much like both parents. He is born and made for the arctic climate and will keep his fluffy fur year round. It is thickest around his neck, chest, stomach, and tail. Even his paws have more fur than normal. His board chest, high shoulders, and well-defined form make him a very handsome brute. One that will certainly attract the ladies in the future.
Duty: Can I choose one later? He's too young to pick xD
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]