
Nemausus Airmid



3 Years
01-30-2016, 11:56 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Nea
Age: 17

Character's Name: Nemausus
Character Age: Three years old
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36" Inches
Appearance Description: Nemausus, a male built like a warrior. Strong muscles lace around his sturdy bones, adding to the intimidating facade he may pull off at times. With his bulky muscles and bones, he comes to weigh a total of one-hundred and eighty-three pounds. This is both a blessing and a cure; for his agility lacks more due to his weight, a major decrease in his speed, though his visual aspect often keeps him out of trouble- even if he is the last one to fight. Long legs bring his height to thirty-six inches, something that Nemausus has found pleasure in. With his height, he often finds it easy to peer over certain bushes and shrubs, to be able to scout easier, but to hide harder.

His eyes are something unique, though Nemausus himself despises the feature. A deep purple takes place upon his right optic, one that swarms with a intensity- often reflecting his emotions. The color came from his mother, a female to sensitive and weak for her own good, and when Nemausus finds himself peering into the water as to see his reflection, his heart pangs at the horrid reminder. His left optic is that of a shallow blue, the color of his father's cold glares. Nemausus despises this color of his eyes the most, for it was a constant reminder of who he came from- of the monster who helped create him.

His pelt is the one thing Nemausus has come to fancy. Rich grays coat along his spine, a dark color taking it over as if a shadow looms upon him. Down his base travels, and the darker shade turns to light- brighter grays, and even whites, take place down his paws. Two stripes lead down from his eyes, almost as tear marks- yet not quite. Along his right side, a white stripe begins at his ear, covering it whole in an alabaster cloak; and continuing down to the base of his neck. Thick his pelt is- but Nemausus finds it as a great heat source for the winter nights. Though once summer hits, his pelt does shed the winter coat; but even then, a thick layer of fur still holds.
Skills: Healing and Intellect

Proof of Purchases: N/A
[Image: 9d35zZp.png]