
Drawn by Fate



6 Years

01-31-2016, 02:33 AM

It seemed he would have to bite his tongue in order to ensure he didn't say the wrong thing after the long, silent pause between them - Esa couldn't help but to wonder what he'd been about to say. Alas, he chose to say nothing, seeming to focus on steadying his expression and listening calmly and quietly, depicting a sense of normalcy. It was easy then to see the slight surprise alight in his expressive yellow eyes when she mentioned Varda's name - even as Esa rambled on, her thoughts sped over their latest encounter. She couldn't help but to narrow her eyes ever so slightly. Of course the woman would never have admitted to meeting her. Her thoughts switched back to the present when her friend's features shifted to disappointment. Why did he look like that?

Esa realized that she'd started to lean forward, ears straining toward Miksa as she awaited his response. She drew back slightly startled when he finally spoke. With a nod, he'd confirm to her that he was indeed settling in to Celestial. She acknowledged that with a nod of her own, happy that he was settling in, though she felt her throat tighten and couldn't help the sinking of her ears. She'd already known it, but to hear from him directly still left her downhearted. Trying not to focus on that fact, she perked her ears again, eyes fixing upon his face. So, he had tried out to be a fighter, a Legionary. Esarosa wouldn't have taken him for a fighter, but then again, she'd never really asked what his pursuits were - she'd never been interested in packs before - yet she knew that he was courageous enough to fulfill the role. Emerald eyes drifted from his face and roamed over his frame. She'd never realized it before, but he was well-built for his chosen field - he was a little taller than her, sturdy and well-structured, muscular...

Her gaze returned to his face when he sheepishly added that he had a lot to learn. She had to take a step back once more, realizing she'd been straining forward again. Then he would ask if she had joined Argead, and there was a slight but obvious look of disappointment following his question. Esa sighed, ears tilting back slightly. "Well... yea, I did, I joined Argead," she said solemnly, then tried to ligthen up a bit, "But if any pack is right for me, it's this one. It's for explorers, and traders, and..." Well, she couldn't quite remember everything that Mithras had said at the claiming, but it sounded good to her. Of course they were all expected to pull their weight, but his rules weren't strict and confining.

She didn't really want to talk about being in a different pack; it was bringing out a feeling of regret, and she didn't like it. She didn't want it to be this way, but she couldn't just give up on her pack now - she had to give it a shot and do her best. "So you're a fighter, Miksa?" she'd ask, changing the subject to something she found more interesting, "The training for that must be pretty tough... But you'll be so strong from your work outs and sparring!" Her eyes had been wandering over his form as she spoke, and was she leaning in again? She backed up just a little, her head tilted and ears perked forward, curious about Miksa's fight training.

"Speak" "Listen" Think