
Any Minute Now...



1 Year
01-31-2016, 05:34 PM

Wyndelin nodded eagerly.  He didn't like the way the long-legged bugs got stuck in his teeth and tickled his throat.  Worms were ok though, he didn't mind worms much or moths but everything else was gross.  Course, nothing could beat a nice piece of warm meat.  Wynd's tongue traced his teeth.  The meat mom brought was always soft and easy to eat but he'd been practicing on bones and sticks and he was sure he could eat a rabbit by himself.   Of course, they had to find one first.

Wynde nodded eagerly as Gabriel mentioned using their noses. "Good idea brother!" Wynelin immediately stuck his nose to the ground and began to sniff everywhere.  He wasn't for sure where rabbits lived but if he could find their scent then he could track it to wherever it live and then they could ambush it.  Wyndelin sniffed… and sniffed some more… aaaand then some more.  He sniffed for whatever felt like forever until suddenly he caught the scent of a rabbit, a strong scent.  Wyndelin sniffed again at the little pellets of rabbit poop, tail wagging as he bounced happily, screeching at the top of his lungs. "GABRIEL!  GABE!  I found poop!  I found rabbit poop!" Yea, he was awesome!  Master hunter!  He found poop and that meant…  Wyndelin pranced around the droppings, brow furrowing.  Ok, he found the scent so now… now they had to track it.  He kept sniffing around unsure where to go.  The scent went to the east and to the west so the rabbit had to have come from one direction, stopped to crap, then gone in the other but… but he couldn't tell which.  Wynde looked to his brother. "Ok, what now?" Gabriel always had the answers!

"Talk" "You" Think