
Captivate me



9 Years
02-01-2016, 02:02 AM
Well, here was an interesting place. The sun was had just barely peeked over the horizon, and Xephyris was already on the move, pushing himself to work his body - sleeping in and loafing around was not an option. His interest was piqued when he found this place. A great lake, teeming with life, surrounded by reeds and bustling with activity. Every little creature rustled around, on the go to find enough food for the day. Lucky for them this wolf wasn't hungry today. They'd escape his jaws at least, and would live another day if they evaded all other dangers.

Instead, Xephyris was wandering aimlessly, doing what he did every day. Each day he'd make sure his muscles felt the strain of hard work, whether it be a jog, an intense hunt or a spar. But today, his mind was distracted, even if his bod was on the move. Where were all the beautiful women? He'd been content waiting to find someone, waiting for just the right someone. But not even an inkling of anyone had appeared for him. Was he just unlucky, or did he need to make a bigger effort to seek someone out? He worried, for he felt if he spent more time seeking a woman just right, he might fall behind in everything else. Women were vexing, after all, they could make a man do anything if they had the right magic.

So today, in the midst of a jog, he halted at the edge of this lake, leaning toward the water to drink before lifting his head to gaze around. Silver eyes scouted his surroundings - it was fairly quiet, and the only sound was the rising buzz of flitting insects and scuffling rodents. He grumbled to himself before sitting down, wondering how the rest of his day would play out.