
To Hell in a Blizzard



5 Years
02-01-2016, 12:04 PM

He seemed rather thankful that this wasn't his home, bringing out a laugh from Sere. This place was pretty terrible, she was glad that no one did live here. It was a terrible, horrible snow covered place. She was curious though, why was he out here if this wasn't his home? It wasn't like there were many wolves who lived up North, that she knew of, so why drag his butt up here? Plus with his different language, she didn't doubt that he wasn't born here. "Where is home?" she asked, unable to contain the question. She knew that it sucked with this language barrier, but they really were trying. And she hadn't even bit him yet! Five points for her.

When they moved on to fighting, she felt like she was letting out a big breath of air. It was something she could talk about forever, no matter what blockage separated them. He said that he could be better with a shrug of his shoulders, and the woman smiled softly at him. It was true, there was always thinks to learn and other opponents to fight. Each wolf had different skills and tactics, meaning that a fighter always had to be on their toes. Expect the unexpected, right? "There is always room for improvement, that's for sure." She said quietly. She remembered one fight, the fight that she would never forget, and her tail wagged behind her quickly. "There was one wolf who came into my pack, they trespassed. And I fought them, and bit off their nose," She said quickly, excitement building in her voice. To make sure that he understood her, she pointed to her nose with her paw and snapped her jaws shut. "Took that sucker right off." Serefina laughed, her ember eyes sparkling.

When the tides turned and he asked a question of his own, the dame shook her head back and forth slowly. "Not here, no. Me and my family live in the south. I don't come to the north often... its too damn cold." She muttered, looking over her shoulder to the blizzard that still raged outside. She shivered, her fur bunching up along her body. Stupid damn snow.
