
The answer comes in time



7 Years
Extra large

02-01-2016, 06:28 PM
He'd rather sleep alone, but finding two separate dens in the dark seemed a bit silly when they had a perfectly good one here. Then they'd have to find one another in the morning. Nope, this was just plain easier. He felt a lot more agreeable when he realized he wasn't terribly uncomfortable, as they both had their own sleeping areas, and they'd be out of the elements at the very least. Definitely a good situation, overall.

"Same,"  he agreed, grinning tiredly at the thought of Finch's excited face when they brought it to her. That was the last thing he said as he felt his heavy grow heavy as it rested on his paws, his eyelids dropping shut until all he found was darkness and quiet and the soothing feeling of slipping into the unknown.

He could've swore he would've fallen soundly asleep in a mere few minutes, but after a long moment he felt pressure against his side as Lillie shifted nearer to him. Not just closer, but against him - and cuddling was not something he was at all used to. Only with his siblings, and even then his affection was not always physicals. He didn't know how to react, and for a long moment he froze. He was too damn tired to argue, and he warmth was.. strangely comforting, though his head was screaming for him to push her away. Slowly his eyes opened to glance at her. Was she sleeping, or was she awake? It wasn't something that awake-Lillie would do, he decided. And her scent was suddenly as interesting as it had been before; something about it was enjoyable, and he angled his head to the side to get a better whiff of her scent.

Lark had absolutely no idea what to do now. So he'd do what felt right, though in reality it didn't feel right at all, and he'd lower his head down to his paws and close his eyes, attempting to drift back to sleep with her tucked against his side.