
Sirens Song


04-22-2013, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2013, 06:21 AM by Vladimir.)
The young brute had made his way to some dark forest where scary stories, full of nightmares and monsters were said to come alive.

"Hmph....not the place I really want to end my day at." the wolf said as he continued to walk

His blue eyes scanned the gnarled foliage as he easily made his way through the thickets.

Vladimir had made his way past a thorn bush but a thorn had gotten stuck on his side.

"blestem asta!"(curse this!) he said as he untangled the thorn from his fur and spat it out on the ground.

Where was he anyway and why was he here; perhaps this time the wolf had wandered a bit too far. But then again wander from where? Last he had seen his sisters or parents had been a while ago. Vlad was sure his sister missed his teasing and tricks but it was good to give her a break he guessed. A small smile was portrayed on the face as he continued to walk through the thicket. Was he not free? was he not Vladimir Bellator? Sure the boy was a bit cocky but he knew he was growing out of it.

When would he have to step up and be a man...or was it his choice? No matter, this would be a night full of horrors and trickery. Tonight would be a walk in the forest that souls were said to wander.

? Este el ?ndrăzneț??(Is he daring?)

?E curajos??(Is he courageous?)

?Nu sunt eu puternic?!?!?(Am I not strong!?!?) he said as he jumped up on top of a rotting fallen log.

?Acum, haideți să nu te obraznic prietenul meu.?(Now lets not get cocky my friend.) he said to himself with a small devious smile

Dark gray ears perked up as a howl was heard nearby. Ah, someone to have a little chat with. A soir?e would not be frowned upon by him, it would be welcomed!

With a flick of Vlad?s tail he followed the call and only slowed down when he arrived at the scene.
Blue eyes narrowed as he did not see anyone but could smell them

?Hello?? he called out in a rather straightforward tone.

?Well come on, I haven?t got all evening to wait for someone to pop out of the bushes!? he added in a sour tone.

Vladimir continued to look around but move did he not. If someone was here he would let them come to him!