
Go ahead, make my day [M]



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
02-01-2016, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2016, 08:52 PM by Sabine.)
EDIT: Added a 'M' tag for language

"Fuck," Sabine swore under her breath after stepping into and quickly stumbling out of a deep mud puddle. The giantess was careful to feel for "dry" ground before stepping with her other paws. With a rigid and noticeably peeved stance she then paused on the other side of the puddle to assess the damage. She wiggled the toes of the mud dipped paw and felt muck move between them. Her ears slicked back in annoyance and her sightless gaze remained fixed ahead. It wasn't the mud itself that was irritating, but rather the surprise she'd felt upon realizing the ground hadn't been where she'd expected it. She hated surprises.

Speaking of hate. God, she hated Spring here. She'd thought the heat of summer was bad, but this? The giantess almost couldn't wait for the heat. Sabine spent her days accidentally finding and stumbling through all kinds of muck. It was like her paws were muck puddle magnets. She didn't care about getting dirty and she barely cared about dirt between her toes, no, what she didn't like was how the muddy water made it harder to navigate. Moving water carried scent away and the depth of puddles were a mystery until she stepped into them. Sabine would concede, however, that the mud didn't hold a candle to the flooding. She'd survived that by the skin of her teeth.

After scratching her forepaw against the ground a couple of times to scrape off some of the mud Sabine resumed her haughty march. She was heading to the north where the ground was hopefully not a soliquid, although how exactly she was going to cross the river this time was a mystery. Last time she'd had a companion and a shallow spot. Right now the river was probably flooding its banks.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]