
Don't sink in the sand!


04-22-2013, 06:27 AM
The shadows bounced around the cavern as the sound of rain all but drowned out the world. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Her ears folded backwards as they walked deeper into the cavern to be released of the storms rage. Her stomach was swelling more and more as they days passed and she felt as if she had the weight of the world inside her. Her violet eyes adjusted to the darkness easily enough as she allowed her body to gently fall to a more comfortable position. Her gaze shifted towards the youth and she smiled. ?That?s better.? She shook her coat gently but she knew it would do her no good. The water had sunken deep into her flesh but her weight kept her warm enough not to mention cooking young would give her a fever.

?So, why are you so far away from Tortuga? It seems I keep finding wolves from that place constantly wandering in search of something else.? She said with a small chuckle. First she had found champion and the two had bonded over their kill. She had named her beta and had given her a place to rule with in her kingdom. Then came the father of her pups Kaios. Who seemed to be establishing something more then just aggressive male ambitions. She remembered the ambassador saying that Kaios had started quite a bit of trouble for Tortuga. Now this youth whose eyes burned of hurt and spirit seemed so broken and lost. All she needed was a little guidance. Where was her king? Where was her queen? Did they not care for the young of their kingdom? ?Or are you running from the pain?? she asked sympathetically. She knew all about running. Well, her mind did anyway.

She had other questions for the youth. Yet she didn?t want to over laud the poor girl with so many questions. Surly they would be missing her. Perhaps when the rain settled and the storm eased off into a grumble she would take the girl back home to her king. Perhaps she needed to have a word with him. Was he the wolf ghost had spoken of? No she had come from another pack hadn?t she? Yes, but still did no kings care about their subjects? If a youth of Lentanjin had gone missing she would have found them. She would have soothed the rage and brought them home knowing that they had a place and were cared for.