
This is starting to suck

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2016, 09:01 PM

Mercy just grinned at her comment, head nodding up and down. "Of course you're little. Then again, everyone here is a mountain of a wolf," she commented softly, trying to keep the bitter note from her vocals. The dame had once thought herself as tall, after all she had been taller than almost everyone she had met. Until she came to Imperium, that was. It was rather funny though, the smallest little wolf had been the one to bring her here. Her body tensed up at the thought of Dione, and she quickly mentally shook herself. This was not a time to freeze up, she was dealing with this chick right now. Thoughts of the green woman would only bring her down, after all, that was just another part of her life that was depressing. The world just kept trying to drag her down, but she shook them off. Mercy was a fighter, mentally and physically. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the blue and white girl spoke again, pale ears flickering to pick up her words. "No, no they are not. I'm one special piece of meat." she chuckled. In fact, she was actually surprised at the variety of wolves that this pack held. While most were strong fighter types, they had their few softer ones as well. Not everyone was as much of a bitch as she was, and it was kind of something that she prided herself on.

She had to admit, she was pretty impressed by this one. A single, black marked brow rose, purple eyes roaming around her smaller form. So, she wanted to learn, eh? She wasn't really the best with words, she was more of an action teacher. So when the girl tried to copy her stance, she let out a soft snort. It wasn't the best fighters stance, not at all. "Mmm... I am a fan of fish." she mused out loud. She really wanted to test how strong Illie's instincts were, so she let out a growl and lurched forward, like she was going to attack. Mercy attempted to stop just short of the younger girl, seeing if her body would react in the way she hoped. Mercy stood in a full battle stance now, head lowering to align with her spine, tail raising to do the same. Ears pinned against her skull as her purple eyes narrowed, legs staying an equal distance apart, toes spreading and claws digging into the soft ground. Her shoulders rolled forward and her chin tipped towards her chest, ready to see what this girl had.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.