
Test Your Mettle



7 Years
02-01-2016, 10:25 PM
Surreal Adravendi

This was going well enough, in her mind. He showed skill, which was promising. Her driving right shoulder smashed into his right breast, and severe bruising welled in the flesh on and around the point of her right shoulder; pain to be set aside and felt later. For now, adrenalin swept the pain aside, leaving her mind clear save for the rush of blood in her ears. Her canines sliced into the rught side of his face, but found no purchase, and she came away with only the taste of her brother's blood on her tongue. Lastly, her right front paw's swipe for his right foreleg met futility, his paw having been lifted in his sidestepping movement.

First blood, but not the last for this spar. All the while, she sought to keep her defenses intact; her right forepaw returned to the ground, all four limbs taking her weight evenly once more, while her hackles maintained a stiff guard along her frame from the base of her skull to the base of her tail. Toes spread wide for balance, claws digging into the ground for traction as her elbows and hocks bent slightly, loosening her joints and lowering her center of gravity. Her tail flowed level with her spine, ready to act as a balancing rudder as her eyes continued to remain narrowed, her ears remained pinned, and her face curled into a wrinkled snarl. Her chin remained tucked to guard her throat as her shoulders rolled forward over and inwardly scrunched neck and rolled scruff, to guard her neck from deep bites. Lastly, her abdomen remained tense, her core tight.

She spotted the shift in his weight as he drew back slightly, his weight going into his hind legs. Pivoting quickly on her hindquarters as he did so, her tail flicking behind her for balance, she sought to turn her front end a half pace to her right. Castiel's paw dragged instead over her shoulders at the midpoint between neck and back, gaining no purchase as their combined movements threw off his attempt. His canines scraped over her muzzle, leaving moderate lacerations behind on either side as she sought to duck her head drive forward into his mid-throat with the dome of her head in a thrust of a headbutt as he shoved forward. Parted jaws sought to grasp his left foreleg, high on the limb, close to the breast, aiming for a tight hold with which to unsettle his balance.

-:: Surreal vs Castiel for Legionary Rank Spar::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes: Sorry this took so long, Keno, but Here we go! If you have questions, please do skype and ask.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.