
Go ahead, make my day [M]



7 Years

02-01-2016, 10:44 PM
Normally he didn't mind the mud so much, but today the constant muck was just pissing him off, setting him into a bad mood. There was just so much moisture, everywhere, and it clung to him, making him perpetually uncomfortable. He hadn't been dry or warm for days, and it was seriously chipping away at his patience, of which he had very little to begin with. Too bad everything else alive seemed to be drawn to and thrive near the swollen river, otherwise he'd just leave, but the promise of a full belly was simply too alluring. He didn't know these lands well enough to strike away from it. Winter had been hard enough, and it was hard to leave behind a sure source of food just because of a little mud.

Grumbling to himself, he paused and lifted his head. Across the water was a giant beast, stumbling along through the muck worse than he was. His paws carried him to the very edge of the river, peering across at the figure. Was that a woman? No way! His muzzle wrinkled up and he squinted to watch the behemoth for several minutes as she splashed clumsily through puddle after puddle. Why are women so incredibly stupid? he wondered bitterly as his eyes followed her. Well, he couldn't let her day go on semi-peacefully while she floundered around like that.

Claws digging into the soft riverbank, he raised himself higher on his toes, tail flicking into the air - this would be the perfect opportunity to take out his frustration, and on someone he found deserving of it, no less. "What are you, some sort of stupid amazon!?" he shouted across the river, "You can't even see your paws beneath your big fat body, can you?" Where did the fantasy, dream-world depiction of women come from, that they were petite, and fragile, and dainty? Not in this world, he was sure. And this one was just another example of how ungraceful they truly were.