
It fills you with determination



5 Years
02-01-2016, 11:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Aw man, Gale thought, purple-marked ears tilting back as she saw the change in the dark and light wolf on her border. She hated disappointing people, hated being the bearer of bad news, and hated that she could practically feel the loss that this individual surely felt. With two siblings and a few nieces gone too, she knew what it was like to be separated from family, but at least in her case she still had other siblings - and even extra nieces - to fall back on. This wolf, from the looks of it, was not so lucky. He stated his name, left her with his brother's, and looked ready to leave empty-handed.

Her brow puckered into a worried frown as she bit at the inside of her lip. She did not like where her train of thought was going. It would be so much simpler if she could only apologize to this lonely wolf, send him on his lonely way, and go right back to life as she knew it. Her family was busy this season, what with everybody moving to the prairie, the beach being flooded, the new kids that were darting just about everywhere, and the eventual party that was to take place in just a few weeks time. It's none of your business, the rational part of her mind warned, you've got enough on your plate to worry about as is. Maybe it was even her season that was causing her to be so much more emotionally receptive, to make her even consider...

Aw crap.

"Wait," she called after him, before he could get too far and pick a direction to set off in, " Somewhere close by." Her tone was resigned, hinting that this was not her first choice of action, but as she continued it became more considerate, softening because of the situation she knew too well. "I'm going to try to find one of my brothers and ask them about that pack and your brother. It shouldn't take that long, and then..." Oh man, was she really doing this? "And then I'll help you find him." Somehow. Between border patrols, party plan assisting, and anything else her family needed her help with. "I might not be able to leave right away, but when I can. That okay?" she asked as her brows rose, needing the confirmation before she committed to this spur-of-the-moment decision that her mind had gone to.