
Drawn by Fate



6 Years

02-02-2016, 12:14 AM

Though her expression was still somewhat solemn, her smile had returned and would brighten when Miksa said that she would fit right in. She had to agree, it was just right for her, except for that one thing that was terribly wrong. But she wouldn't bring down the conversation by focusing on it, nor frowning anymore. Instead, she could focus on him, on what he was going to say about his rank in Celestial. She noticed him sit back when she inquired about his position. She blinked. Uh oh, had she been staring too intently? She offered an apologetic smirk and followed his lead, seating herself to prevent any further leaning and intense staring. Well, she couldn't really help what her eyes did, but at least she wasn't too close.

She was glad to see some of her optimism leaking into him, allowing his smile to brighten when she commented on how strong he would get. "I hope so," were the words that came from him. That didn't sound nearly faithful enough! She'd have to set that straight! "Oh, you will be!" she assured him, tail wagging over the dusty ground, "You're not a quitter, Miksa, and you're definitely not a coward. You'll be as good as you set out to be!" Would he believe in her words? She believed it to be true. She saw no reason that he wouldn't make it in his chosen rank. She wished she could reach out and offer him a reassuring touch, but she knew she couldn't really trust herself to move right now.

Esarosa perked curiously as he went on. She welcomed his talkativeness today. It wasn't often that he shared more personal details, in fact she was usually leading the conversation with her typical rambling nonsense. But this was much more fascinating than listening to herself talk. Her eyebrows raised as he mentioned his mother, that she had been a great fighter. The best, in fact. Very interesting. No wonder he wanted to be a fighter. She wondered briefly what had become of his mother... he'd not really made mention of her, nor any family before. Then again, she'd never really mentioned hers either. Perhaps it was simply painful to bring up. Esa wasn't sure where she stood on the topic of her family; her father had been too busy fulfilling his duties as Alpha, and his mother had been taken away by illness. She'd never even met the woman. She wouldn't know where to begin if she were to follow in her paw steps, which was part of the reason she'd struck off on her own to follow her own path. Little did she know, she strongly took after her father, who had been a roaming vagabond, a tramp, until he'd finally matured and settled down at an older age. Much older than she was now.

The next words to come from Miksa were fairly quiet, but she caught them nonetheless. She saw his gaze move away from hers, tail twitching anxiously. Why was he nervous? Certainly he didn't think she would make fun of him? She watched his face, hoping he would look back up so she could see his vibrant electric eyes again. "I think it's a great way to show someone how much you respect them," she said genuinely, offering him an encouraging smile, "To want to be just like them... or even be better. I think you'll do great if you work hard. I wish I had someone to look up to like that." She wished she had the same sort of passion for something. She still didn't know what she wanted in this life. Sure, she was settling in a pack, and she could hunt pretty well, but she didn't know if that would satisfy her for long. But when would she ever be satisfied? Would anything ever fill that role in her life? Surely she would find something, someday.

"Speak" "Listen" Think