The girl didn't know anything more about herself than her name? That was... strange. She said her last name was Skye, but if her mother hadn't wanted to let Valentine know then her name wouldn't be Imperialis anyway. Cascade's pup didn't call himself Imperialis either, so that was no real indication of who she might be. Ashmedai looked at her for a moment, "Well, you fit the bill anyway, so you might as well be family." The boy offered a goofy smile, trying not to think about her amazing blue-ness.
Mercy said she wasn't related to Valentine and that her last name was Guerrero, "Wait, I thought you were a Destruction like Rhythm?" he asked. Revenge was a Destruction, right? Ashmedai was confused.
Regardless of how strange last names worked, Mercy said his idea of a patrol didn't sound bad. the boy's tail started wagging softly, "That's the spirit! Midnight March! Pre-dawn patrol!" Ash started marching in place for emphasis, looking at Illume before setting off after Mercy, "C'mon, it's your first patrol- well, maybe not really, but it is for now!"