
Plot with Nem!



3 Years
02-02-2016, 07:01 PM

Nemausus is always looking to meet new wolves! (Mainly for the intellect skill) but also to see how well he gets along with others! Nemausus is a calm male, and although he may appear intimidating- he's nothing but a fluff ball. If you're interested in having a thread with Nemausus, i'm all for it!


This is a rare thing fr my boy here. Nemausus doesn't often get on the bad side of people, and vice versa. The one way to get on Nem's bad side, is to show harm to an innocent. This means bullying a wolf, or the wolf putting himself above all others. Nemausus believes in equality- and though he does acknowledge ranking in packs, his own beliefs do not differ.


Ahhhh- this is Nemausus' passion! Herbs are what he was raised with- he learned them day in and day out. His religion revolves around that of worshiping the Goddess Airmid, the Goddess of nature, healing, and herbs. With his passion- he has come to this new land in hopes of finding the herbs he needs, to learn and teach others, and to gain even more skill in his talent. I would really love if people wanted to have skill threads with him, it would be a major help! Rather it be just to collect a herb, or a lesson- Nemausus healing a wolf, etc, i'd love it!


When it comes to love, Nemausus is a romantic. He is a rather easy male to win over, but only if it's the right female. Nemausus is attracted to those who can hold their own- who can be poised, mannered, but also not afraid to speak their mind. He doesn't want a push-over as a mate, nor does he want a female that constantly gets her ego stroked. The relationship would be loyal and long-term, and Nemausus would do anything in his power to see the happiness of his mate. He would eventually want pups, but that would only be after the pair got to settle down on their own for awhile.

If you interested in any of these at all, or even have your own ideas, please not hesitate to comment or PM me! You can also reach me on skype (madi5336) as I am welcome to creating any plots!

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