
Of Void and Veil

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-02-2016, 07:57 PM

Birna found her eyes drawn to a peculiar circle-shaped mark on top of the rock and she pawed at it, claws clicking across the symbol. Dark she wait around til dark? It was probably nothing. Birna wasn't a hugely spiritual wolf. She didn't really believe in things like spirits or an after life but then… she'd never really thought about it much. The present required so much of her attention and the past she preferred to forget. What need did she have of the future? Well… her future, the immediate future. She supposed the future of the pups of Imperium was very much her concern but never planned to factor death or the supernatural into those plans.

The sound of approaching pawsteps would catch her attention but she'd continue to stare at the mark, pretending not to have heard as she glanced sideways at large, muscular man. A fellow warrior?

He spoke and she would give him her full attention. M'lady? Her head would tilt just slightly to her right as she gazed down at him. It had been a long time since she'd been addressed so formally. The male introduced himself as Nemausus, a newcome to Alacritia. Birna shifted and leapt down to the ground so that she could greet the man properly. Dipping her head she spoke. "Greetings Nemausus, I am Birna Xanilov, Gladiator of a pack known as Imperium." He looked to be a capable warrior, at least physically though the ranks of Imperium were full with the new pups and so she would not bother with any further questioning that might assess his worthiness to rank among her fellows. "I have lived here for some time and while I tend to stay with my pack I do wander. Is there anything I can help you with?"


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