
Never Far Away



11 Years
02-03-2016, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016, 01:07 AM by Bane.)
The father and husband drew the two females in even tighter as the mates reconnected with their daughter, Bane returning Anais's nuzzle with fervor. Tahlia was echoing his own questions about the life Anais was now living, about their sons and her sister and how everyone was currently fairing ever since they had all last been together. The smaller brown she wolf would look between her parents and pause as if to think on a great many a happenings before final beginning with stating that nothing was wrong with her. Or anyone for that matter. A fact that was a source of instant relief.

Nako was mentioned, and as the eldest child Bane had no doubts that he would continue to be the head of the family in keeping everyone safe. And he was with child. Bane fought to keep his smile hidden from Tahlia but his eyes clearly showed the pride in the announcement and of Jakart in the process of possibly courting a female who's name went unsaid. Lior and Anais were both in a pack, surprisingly. A fact that visibly made Bane sit a little straighter and with more attention as Anais went on, and on, and on about an alpha. Glacier, the mention of the male caused his daughter to babble for but a tad to long and Bane gave his mate a knowing grin. Anais had found someone, the thought resting comfortably with the elder wolf as his head came to rest on Tahlia's shoulder.

At the news of pups Bane gave his daughter an approving smile and spoke against Tahlia's ear. "Sorta like us right?" Bane was joking with his mate, him and his wife's relationship beginning far sooner than Anais was describing to them. "I'm proud of you Anais. I was the moment I left with you beside me." He was resigned that he didn't have much of a say in the matter and that made it much easier to accept as he gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. Anais was happy and so Bane was happy as he simply stared at his daughter in wizened contentment.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•